Dangerously Vintage

Facebook Status — 9/29/17

I was talking to my client last night about how mercury was used in top hats which caused the term “Mad as a Hatter.” (Thanks Mysteries at the Museum!)

She asked, “How dumb can you get? Using mercury?!”

Me: “Well, we always use things that we think are good until we find out its dangerous.”

Her: “Not that dangerous!”

I started rattling off things like how arsenic was used by Victorian women to lighten the skin, how cough syrup used to have cannabis, morphine, chloroform, as well as alcohol in it.

“Did your mom ever give you a dram of rum when you were sick? I think my grandpa said his mom did.”

Her: “No, we never had alcohol in the house.”


“In the barn though, that was a different story.”

She started giggling like a schoolgirl! 





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